هل تقصد : entamoeba
ntamoba من
... ntamoba as a mechanism through which an abusua's relationship with the husbands / fathers of its members is mediated .... The Disappearance of Ntamoba and Transformations in the Family Economy of Child - Rearing And so what happened ...
ntamoba من
... Ntamoba : reflections on the economy of child - rearing in colonial Asante ' , Africa 67 ( 2 ) : 296-322 . Atto , Ursula . 1996. ' Verpflichtung , Belastung , Freude : Pflegekinder und ihr Verständnis der Hausarbeit ' , in Kurt Beck and ...
ntamoba من
... ntamoba which parallel the meaning implicit in the Bompata case . In 1992 , Ama Nyarko of Kumasi explained that if a man married a woman , had children with her , and did not take care of those children , the woman's family could remove ...
ntamoba من
... ntamoba ' . In the historical record , and in popular memory , ' ntamoba ' has survived in a number of forms - as a marriage payment , as a rite connected with birthing and naming , and as an indemnification paid to a father by a ...
ntamoba من
... [ ntamoeba ] histolytica W m Alper EI ; Littler C ; Monroe LS 1976 Am J Gastroenterol 65 ( 1 ) Jan 63-67 E [ ntamoeba ] histolytica , humans , diagnosis , counterelectrophoresis using axenic antigen gives results in close agreement ...
ntamoba من
... [ ntamoeba ] histolytica , man , development of systemic amoebiasis with multiple hepatic abscesses 9 months after successful treatment for amebic dysentery with metronidazole , sys- temic infection successfully treated with combination ...
ntamoba من
... ntamoba , histolytica . ntamoeba coli .. uaiac tests ... ismuth crystals ... 1,965 1 12 4 2 31 1 42 152 ercomonas , intestinalis . 97 29,609 9,016 6,147 279 5,868 5 49 2,067 105 examinations .. Ibumen .. lbumen and casts .. ugar . us ...
ntamoba من
... ntamoba . In the historical record , and in popular memory , ntamoba has survived in a number of forms - as a marriage payment , as a rite connected with birthing and naming , and as an indemnification paid to a father by a child's ...
ntamoba من
... Ntamoba ' : Reflections on the Economy of Child - Rearing in Colonial Asante . " Africa : Journal of the International African Institute 67 ( 2 ) : 296–321 . doi : 10.2307 / 1161446 . Anich , Rudolf , Mario Biggeri , Renato Libanora ...
ntamoba من
... Ntamoba”: Reflections on the Economy of Child-Rearing in Colonial Asante', Africa: Journal of the International African Institute 67, no. 2 (1997): 296–321. 22. Sarpong, Peter, Girls Nubility Rites in Ashanti (Accra: Ghana Publishing Co ...