The New Shakspere Society was a literary and text publication society founded in Autumn 1873 by Frederick James Furnivall
المفقودة: فورنيفال | عرض نتائج تتضمّن:فورنيفال
New Shakspere Society

New Shakspere Society

جمعية شكسبير الجديدة هي جمعية نشر أدبية ونصية تأسست في خريف عام 1873 على يد فريدريك جيمس فيرنيفال من أجل "تكريم شكسبير، وتوضيح تعاقب مسرحياته، وبالتالي نمو عقله وفنه، ولتعزيز الثقافة الشعبية لشكسبير". ودراسة ذكية له، وطباعة نصوص توضح آثاره وعصره".... ويكيبيديا (إنجليزية)
التأسيس: 1873
01‏/09‏/2006 · Its founder, F. J. Furnivall, promoted the newest scientific advances to apply to Shakespeare's plays in order to produce the correct order in ...
for the New Shakspere society, by N. Trübner, 1884), also by William Shakespeare, Frederick James Furnivall, W. A. Harrison, and James Greenhill (page images at ...
المفقودة: فورنيفال | عرض نتائج تتضمّن:فورنيفال
Its founder, F. J. Furnivall, promoted the newest scientific advances to apply to Shakespeare's plays in order to produce the correct order in which they had ...
المفقودة: فورنيفال | عرض نتائج تتضمّن:فورنيفال
This meticulously produced edition offers a high-quality replication of the original 1882 text, overseen by Frederick James Furnivall.
المفقودة: فورنيفال | عرض نتائج تتضمّن:فورنيفال
New Shakespeare Society, ... founded in 1873 by F. J. Furnivall who defined its purpose as getting the plays 'as nearly as possible in ... Access to the complete ...
المفقودة: فورنيفال | عرض نتائج تتضمّن:فورنيفال
Frederick James Furnivall 1. Subjects. Economic conditions 1. History 1. First published. 1876 1. Places. Great Britain 1. Times. Edward VI, 1547-1553 1. Open ...
أسئلة أخرى
What is the Shakespeare Society?
The Shakespeare Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing the enjoyment, understanding, and appreciation of William Shakespeare's works through performance, commentary, and educational activities.
Who was the founder of the New Shakespearean Society?
Its founder, F. J. Furnivall, promoted the newest scientific advances to apply to Shakespeare's plays in order to produce the correct order in which they had been written. Furnivall was joined in this enterprise by Frederick Gard Fleay, who took meter-measurement tests of Shakespeare to an illogical extreme.
Disney Does Shakespeare, Again: The Use of Shakespeare in Greg Weisman's ... Medieval Foremothers Society; Society for Medieval Feminist. Scholarship ...
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ON the table before me there lies a long straight wand of ivory. Cut to the length of a walking-stick, it is somewhat more than two inches in diameter at ...