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The 10-Digit ISBN Is Getting Retired Next Year
Starting in early 2020, the 10-digit ISBN is getting replaced entirely by the 13-digit version for the first time in the US market.
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What does China’s tightened ISBN policy mean for developers entering the market?
Tightening ISBN regulations may actually be the wake-up call many developers – especially western ones – need about how the mobile market works in China.
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What Is An ISBN?
Book Riot
ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number, and as its full name reveals, it was created with the intent to standardise the way we identify books...
قبل 40 شهرًا
Entertainment Companies Launch ISBN-like System for Film and TV Content
Publishing Perspectives
Entertainment Companies Launch ISBN-like System for Film and TV Content ... Yesterday, a coalition of entertainment companies, including MovieLabs...
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APIs & books: Amazon, Google Books, ISBN and their open APIs
In this article we analyze the features of Amazon, Google Books and ISBN's open APIs, and take a look at book identifiers.
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Get Book Details by ISBN with the Google Books API
Get Book Details by ISBN with the Google Books API ... The Google Books API can return details of any book from the ISBN code. You get to know the...
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Look-Alikes Junior See ISBN 0316713473 by Joan Steiner
Publishers Weekly
This series of vignettes, aimed at a younger audience, as she was in her startling debut, Look-Alikes. Designed on a slightly larger, less intricate scale.
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Why Do Some Board Games Have ISBNs?
Purple Pawn
A few but growing number of game publishers use international standard book numbers (ISBNs) on their non-book game products.
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Ragnarok: Rebirth Secures Chinese ISBN, Expanding After Dominant Southeast Asian Success
Stock Titan
Gravity (GRVY) announced that its mobile 3D MMORPG game, Ragnarok: Rebirth, received an ISBN code from the Chinese government on December 24...
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Navigating game licensing in China: Insights from Playkot on getting ISBN for Spring Valley
Game World Observer
At the end of March, Playkot became one of 27 companies that received a special license to release their game, Spring Valley, in China.
قبل 21 شهرًا