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Water: the unexpected key to peace between communities
In the heart of Ituri province, clean water has become a cornerstone of peace between Lendu and Hema communities.
قبل شهر واحد
Rival Militia Violence In DR Congo Kills 11
Attacks said to have taken place between rival militia factions have killed 11 people in north-east Democratic Republic of Congo, sources told AFP Wednesday.
قبل 4 أسابيع
UN Accuses Lendu of Mass Killings of Hema in DR Congo's Ituri Province
Voice of America English News
UN Accuses Lendu of Mass Killings of Hema in DR Congo's Ituri Province.
قبل 63 شهرًا
DR Congo: Ending the Cycle of Violence in Ituri
Crisis Group
Since late 2017, renewed violence in Ituri has revived rivalries between Hema and Lendu and affected other communities, with broader...
قبل 51 شهرًا
Conflict spikes in Congo’s Ituri
The New Humanitarian
When hundreds of militiamen arrived in January at a government-run demobilisation camp in the Democratic Republic of Congo's northeastern...
قبل 53 شهرًا
Ituri Becomes Congo’s Latest Flashpoint
Africa Center for Strategic Studies
The DRC's ongoing political crisis is straining peace agreements forged in Ituri after the Second Congo War, threatening wider instability.
قبل 74 شهرًا
Killings and violence targeting ethnic group in DR Congo ‘may amount to crimes against humanity’
UN News
The targeting of the Hema community in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) with violence, including killings and rape, may amount to crimes against...
قبل 57 شهرًا
In the Congo's Ituri region, two villages tell the story of two communities at war
Le Monde.fr
Since it resumed in 2017, the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo between the Hema and Lendu has left several thousand people dead...
قبل 16 شهرًا
Violence in the DRC: UN and ICC Warn of Crimes Against Humanity in Ituri
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
The UN reports deaths have soared in recent months as ethnically-affiliated militias are targeting civilians of other ethnic groups.
قبل 50 شهرًا
Fragile hopes of peace in DRC’s conflict-scarred Ituri province
Al Jazeera
Tens of thousands of civilians have been forced from their homes in northeastern DRC since the violence resumed in December 2017.
قبل 48 شهرًا