... Tallensi Mother and Child" is of a directly documentary character. Among other •works worthy of mention are Bill Scott's "'Man on his Stage," h-ed Stiven's "Coastal Defence II." and Tom "VVfcOen's "Pup." "Seven Painters in Dundee," an ...
... t Allen, SI. Trudul ujuuto : " Ju puis YOUS assuror quo les ivmm dn cua muaaiuuiii, aurtuut dus duux u pi-e- miurB.no au gonuilt pas do lancur a uu «u- jut di'» imprecations contru Sir Juhn. h n. Kl luplu-ipiqujtnt'du touturutliiiru.u ...
355-5225. H el airport @ Tallensi & liny '. 4th Flight Dick Joyce 65, Robert Wilson RIVERWOOD GC Holc-ln-ono — — Ray Jones aced the 16lh hole, using 1 1 wood from 149 yards Witnesses were Frank McHargue and Ned Tobin Scramble Keith ...
... when with God's help such people as those of the Chamber, dedicated to the betterment "f community life and prosperity, will ("iiii'iup a wir k MI ably carried on in 1963. (Tlie Rev.) Curtis T. Allen Si Mary's Episcopal Church.
... T. Allen. SI Pniil'ii: C AA' Marhnm. captain: — A jockey who said ho ho was beat- pp after ho had refused to prevent J,, on third third degree assault charcps. Shrrvc was roloaspd in $25 bail by City Judge Anthony Lavpllp, who adjourned ...