... Tallensi , whose concepts of self and personhood have been explicated in a masterful essay by Fortes ( 1971 ) on the Tallensi concept of the personne morale . Fortes notes , following Mauss ( 1938 ) , that personhood is socially defined ...
... Tallensi society . The Tallensi are subsistence farmers who traditionally lacked centralised leadership . They live in what is now northern Ghana . Fortes carried out two years ' fieldwork with the Tallensi between 1934 and 1937. He ...
... Tallensi society . If Worsley's materialism was in part constrained by the theoretical climate , it was on the other hand imposed by the Tallensi themselves . This same resolution of kinship to practical reason represents a logical ...
... Tallensi and Gorensi hear kindly voices . Although one can only suggest it as a project for more intensive study , it is tempting to associate this with their indulgent methods of child - rearing . Young Tallensi children live in a ...
... Tallensi , and this is not what was opera- tional in reality , where a dual - gendered system formed the basis of social organization . Tallensi dual - gendered logic / philosophy If we look through a collection of his essays ( Fortes ...
... Tallensi Religion , ed . Jack Goody ( Cambridge , 1987 ) , vii ; Meyer Fortes , The Dynamics of Clanship among the Tallensi : Being the First Part of an Analysis of the Social Structure of a Trans - Volta Tribe ( London , 1945 ) ; and ...
... Tallensi ethical norms . The most important of the few Tallensi nature deities was the Earth Spirit . She was not constructed as a goddess with a complex mythology as in the cases of the Akan and Yoruba . However , elaborate rituals ...
... Tallensi , and not Mamprusi . The thing is that in pre - colonial times there were no clearly demarcated physical boundaries separating clan- settlements , and as a result , some Tallensi clans lived with and associated with ...
... Tallensi of Northern Ghana The Tallensi , studied by Meyer Fortes , exemplify the Maussian idea that the personality and the soul are determined by society . It follows , then , that society can confer the label personhood on any ...