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  • المعاينة والعرض بالكامل
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Tallensi من
... Tallensi Mother and Child" is of a directly documentary character. Among other •works worthy of mention are Bill Scott's "'Man on his Stage," h-ed Stiven's "Coastal Defence II." and Tom "VVfcOen's "Pup." "Seven Painters in Dundee," an ...
Tallensi من
... tallensi per boar « *0 leet. L-arwr- i.-«« la PI'HF'S. At ursmord Hitir-* BiUry Pn^aii. IHaap, -*iiti -ti D«t require I In* •rtlve. 0«»nin*«<il t« l<«lb D«t require I •rtlve. t« l<«lb premnc, Kill lift ami lore, tv X>O -Jiat tki ...
Tallensi من
355-5225. H el airport @ Tallensi & liny '. 4th Flight Dick Joyce 65, Robert Wilson RIVERWOOD GC Holc-ln-ono — — Ray Jones aced the 16lh hole, using 1 1 wood from 149 yards Witnesses were Frank McHargue and Ned Tobin Scramble Keith ...
Tallensi من
... t Allen, SI. Trudul ujuuto : " Ju puis YOUS assuror quo les ivmm dn cua muaaiuuiii, aurtuut dus duux u pi-e- au gonuilt pas do lancur a uu «u- jut di'» imprecations contru Sir Juhn. h n. Kl luplu-ipiqujtnt'du touturutliiiru.u ...
Tallensi من
... T, Allen, SI; H. N, Sheek, Kirkpatrick Station, genuine diamond ring; Mrs. Hochwemder, silver napkin riug; Katie Noth. silver bowl and silver cake basket; Miss Carrie Weil, genuine diamertd ring; Fred A. Long, man, $4 gold ; Mra. G-. W ...
Tallensi من
... t) Allen. SI 3 Napa. street, was held jestenlay afternoon at C o'clock frum tin- l.odnlik undertaklnp rooms. Tho body will bo shipped to Colvllle for burial today IN TIIK Sfl'KRIOR COflCTS. New Kiiltd Filed — Elizabeth Kelly vs cltr of ...
Tallensi من
.t ALLEN. SI (VI. nv nn-wl. Thn one price clothiers. Read our ndverdsohipnt.
Tallensi من
FflESOUEBLE t Allen SI 764-4411.
Tallensi من
... t. Allen Si. Dial 0X3 129. Lawn mowing, yard cleaning and rubbish hauling. Dial 3-3160. FOR SALE — 5 rooms furniture. Reasonable. Dial 3-7073 after 4. Matching couch and chair, nauga- hyde covering, good condition — $(50. Dial 2-13'Jli ...
Tallensi من
... when with God's help such people as those of the Chamber, dedicated to the betterment "f community life and prosperity, will ("iiii'iup a wir k MI ably carried on in 1963. (Tlie Rev.) Curtis T. Allen Si Mary's Episcopal Church.