William Russell wife من
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William Russell wife من
... wife , eldest daughter of Sir Francis Russell , Bart . , of Chippenham , he left , at his decease , in 1673 , five sons and one daughter . To the latter , Elizabeth , wife of William Russell , Esq . of Fordham Abbey , we shall refer in ...
William Russell wife من
Vol. II James Anderson. RACHEL WRIOTHESLEY , WIFE OF LORD WILLIAM RUSSELL.1 CHAPTER I. " FROM HER BIRTH TO THE EXECUTION OF LORD RUSSELL . LA ADY RUSSELL shares in the celebrity of her illustrious ... wife of Lord William Russell,
William Russell wife من
لابد أن نعترف بوجود عنصرين متميزين في التفوق البشري، أحدهما إجتماعي والآخر إنفرادي. فأي نظام أخلاقي يدخل في إعتباره أحدهما دون ...
William Russell wife من
... wife of Sir William Russell of Chippen- ham . He was created a baronet in 1628 . ELIZABETH LEIGH , eldest daughter of Francis Lord Dunsmore ( created Earl of Chichester 1644 ) , second wife of Thomas Wriothesley , fourth Earl of ...
William Russell wife من
... William Gardiner , Esq . of Dublin , and had two sons , who d . without issue . By the extinction of this second branch of the Killough family , the RUSSELLS of ... RUSSELL OF ADEN AND MONCOFFER . RUSSELL , JAMES , 1162 RUS RUS.
William Russell wife من
... William A. , Cpl . , USMCR . Father , Mr. Luther Weaver , Diamond . WEBB , Chester L. , Pfc , USMCR . Wife , Mrs ... Russell , Pfc , USMCR . Parents , Mr. and Mrs. William F. Williams , Rt . 4 ; Park- ersburg . WILLIAMSON , Robert ...
William Russell wife من
... Russell , styled " Lord " of Rathmullen , by his wife , Mary , dau . of Row- land Savage , of Portaferry . These two ... WILLIAM RUSSELL , Baron of Killough and Rathmollen , who m . Anne , dau . of Alexander Mor MacDonnell , of the ...
William Russell wife من
... William Russell and Mary A. ( Noyes ) Swan . He is a descendant in the ... wife , in maidenhood Mary A. Noyes , was born in Po- land , Me . , a ... wife , Sarah Alden . To pursue this interesting an- cestral line still farther ...
William Russell wife من
... wife , first , to - Reynolds , of Cam- bridgeshire , Esq ; secondly , to Henry O'Brian , Earl of Tho- mond ; ) 4. Catharine , ( baptized at Chippenham , Dec ... Russell , Baronet , his eldest son and Sir 344 RUSSELL , of Chippenham .