artel ãä
... artel and the machines of the MTS is considered by the artel as a betrayal of the common cause of the collective farm and assistance to the enemies of the people ”[“ Approximate charter of the agricultural artel”, p. 16.]. The Rules ...
artel ãä
... company Page Name, number of company Page VERKHNEKARACHANSKAYA AGRICULTURAL ARTEL (378) ......................................163 VESNA LTD (379) ..................................163 VESNA PEASANT FARMER HOLDING (380) ..........
artel ãä
... artel based on its emergence, characteristics, forms, and historical destiny. Engels believed that the artel in Russia was a very simple cooperative. He said: The artel in Russia is a widespread form of association, the simplest form ...
artel ãä
... artel , and the Government begins to feel the necessity of legislative interference . A draft for a proposed Bill on " Labour and artel Associations " has been prepared quite recently by the Ministry of Finance . Coming at the present ...
artel ãä
... artel ' still had considerable importance may have provided a clue . If he is to be believed , soldiers were indifferent to the voting on how artel ' funds would be expended , because they believed that they would derive no extra ...
artel ãä
... Artel gehörigen Personen zu bedienen . Das Artel kann bezüglich der von ihm übernommenen Arbeiten nach Massgabe der allgemeinen gesetzlichen Bestimmungen Verpflichtungen über- nehmen , Verträge abschliefsen und Abmachungen treffen . Es ...
artel ãä
... artel based on its emergence , characteristics , forms , and historical destiny . Engels believed that the artel in Russia was a very simple cooperative . He said : The artel in Russia is a widespread form of association , the ...
artel ãä
... artel of toy carvers . The father of the household might belong to an artel of carpenters or of flax - growers or wood cutters . His wife might be- long to an artel of weavers or fowl raisers or egg - gatherers . The sons and daughters ...
artel ãä
... artel ' has survived and received a proper normative treatment , that is the artel ' of prospectors ( starateli ) for the extraction of gold , platinum , tin , and other metals and dia- monds . They enjoy the rights of a juridical per ...
artel ãä
... Artel Benefits for preserving membership in the artel arees- tablished for members of a producers ' artel , having re- turned from the Army or Navy . Members of producers ! artels inducted into the Armed Forces cannot be excluded for ...