... artel and the machines of the MTS is considered by the artel as a betrayal of the common cause of the collective farm and assistance to the enemies of the people ”[“ Approximate charter of the agricultural artel”, p. 16.]. The Rules ...
... artel based on its emergence, characteristics, forms, and historical destiny. Engels believed that the artel in Russia was a very simple cooperative. He said: The artel in Russia is a widespread form of association, the simplest form ...
... artel , and the Government begins to feel the necessity of legislative interference . A draft for a proposed Bill on " Labour and artel Associations " has been prepared quite recently by the Ministry of Finance . Coming at the present ...
... artel ' still had considerable importance may have provided a clue . If he is to be believed , soldiers were indifferent to the voting on how artel ' funds would be expended , because they believed that they would derive no extra ...
... Artel gehörigen Personen zu bedienen . Das Artel kann bezüglich der von ihm übernommenen Arbeiten nach Massgabe der allgemeinen gesetzlichen Bestimmungen Verpflichtungen über- nehmen , Verträge abschliefsen und Abmachungen treffen . Es ...
... artel based on its emergence , characteristics , forms , and historical destiny . Engels believed that the artel in Russia was a very simple cooperative . He said : The artel in Russia is a widespread form of association , the ...
... artel of toy carvers . The father of the household might belong to an artel of carpenters or of flax - growers or wood cutters . His wife might be- long to an artel of weavers or fowl raisers or egg - gatherers . The sons and daughters ...
... artel ' has survived and received a proper normative treatment , that is the artel ' of prospectors ( starateli ) for the extraction of gold , platinum , tin , and other metals and dia- monds . They enjoy the rights of a juridical per ...
... Artel Benefits for preserving membership in the artel arees- tablished for members of a producers ' artel , having re- turned from the Army or Navy . Members of producers ! artels inducted into the Armed Forces cannot be excluded for ...