... audit rate for individuals increased last year to 6.5 audits for every 1,000 taxpay* ers. Official audit rates released by the IRS last month show a similar trend. Researchers said the declining •audits of businesses exposes a flaw hi ...
... audit report. Because of the centralization of power in the executive director's position, one of the audit report's recommendations is that duties be relocated among other authority personnel, It also encouraged additional involvement ...
... audit programs related to each audit assignment; direct and advise teams of auditors in the conduct of the audits; review audit findings; formulate recommendations; draft audit reports; and follow up on the implementation by management of ...
... auditing standards, audit requirements of the Office of Management and Budget implemented circular A-102 and the audit requirements of the Office of Revenue Sharing. It will include such tests of the accounting records and such other ...
Audit of state lottery finds neglect, abuse. By MARK R. CHELLGREN AmdMtd fnm WriUr. wrongdoing. Two leading legislators joined in the call for the ouster of top lottery management and directors. And Gov. Brereton Jones said the report ...
... audit being conducted of Centerior. The Chicago-based auditing firm of Cre- sap. Inc., recently began a corporate-wide audit of Centerior operations. The firm has an international reputation for providing high quality audits with ...
... audit relating to the Office of Prosecution. In his official response to the audit, Ashcroft said the Office of Prosecution is an autonomous body under state laws and he should not be responsible for its finances. But Mrs. Kelly didn't ...
... audit, by which, of coarse, M»me kind or other, upon the Parliament ary I" compani R, in- an the interests of these islands. If n n audit audit » » uotncccssan-, uotncccssan-, why why have have an an htsdifor at all, and. ecMity of a ...
... audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the standards contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that I plan and perform the audit ...
... audit committee'. "The county auditor is responsible for auditing as well as managoffice. ing the activities, including internal controls, of the Accounting ... audit committee would be critical in speeding up the auditing process.