Being Selections from the Writings of Benjamin Whichcote, John Smith and Nathanael Culverwel Benjamin Whichcote. But , then , there are those that pretend to dispute ... د to be peremptory in a Resolution . But 2 BENJAMIN WHICHCOTE.
... Benjamin Whichcote , The Works of the Learned Benjamin Whichcote , D.D. , 4 vols . ( Aberdeen , 1751 ) , vol . 3 , p . 144. Elsewhere he remarks that ' All Mind and Understanding hath Tendency towards God . It was well said by the ...
... Benjamin Whichcote . By the Rev. Principal Tulloch The Fleshly School of Poetry : Mr. D. G. Rossetti . By Thomas Maitland The People in Relation to Political Power and Opinion . By Thomas Wright ( " The Journeyman Engineer " ) د › What ...
Benjamin Whichcote Anthony Ashley Cooper Earl of Shaftesbury. ' tis hop'd that what has been here suggested , may be ... د The Sermons which are bere Printed , have been selected out of Numbers of others less perfect ; there being ...
... Benjamin Whichcote ( 1609-1683 ) , although some of Worthing- ton's sermons and miscellaneous writings were published posthumously . 64 I want to examine just one letter sent by Hartlib to Worthington to sketch out the kind of links ...
... father , Rev. Sir John - Thomas , February 23 , 1816 . Heir - Presumptive - His brother , Rev. Benjamin Edwardes . Creation - March 21 , 1644. - Arms - See plate 6 . د SIR THOMAS WHICHCOTE , Baronet , of the INNER TEM- PLE , London ...
... Benjamin Whichcote ( b ) . Sous de fi excellens Maîtres il fit des progrès extraordinaires [ D ] . Peu après fon ... د , دو 99 29 " " 3 دو " " " 9 " " " " " moyens ,, mains . Car je n'avois perfonne qui me dirigeât fur les Livres ...
... Benjamin Bathurst , Mr. Phil- lipfon , Mr. Robert Williams , Mr. Hob'yn , Sir Robert Grosvenor , Mr. Hooper , Mr ... Whichcote , Lord Limerick , Sir Robert Long , Mrs Plumer , Mr. Cartwright , Mr. Gwynne , Sir Charles Kem . Tynte ...
... Benjamin Mosse - Bio- graphical Information Wanted - Historical Manuscripts ... Whichcote - Quaker Documents- Vandervart- ' Brusanus , Prince of Hungaria ... د , a The following sub - head is Gay's Chair ... with a sketch of his ...
... Whichcote , who retires . 56th Ditto , Captain Archibald Campbell , from the gift Foot , to be Captain of a Company ... Benjamin Lewis , Gent . to be First Lieutenant , vice Williams , resigned . Dated May 5 , 1810 . David Parry ...