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Much Ado About First Folios — the world's largest Shakespeare collection reopens
The Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C., is emerging from a four-year metamorphosis. Eighty-two copies of Shakespeare's “First Folio” will be...
قبل 7 أشهر
7 Stratford-upon-Avon Shakespeare Sites
Paige Minds The Gap
Wan to see where Shakespeare was born? These Stratford-upon-Avon Shakespeare sites are must-sees for any literature lover.
قبل 11 شهرًا
Famous Portrait Painting Reproduction for Sale
Get inspired by the most famous portrait paintings and the most well-known portraitists since the 11th century, among a collection of curated artworks.
قبل شهرين (2)
A tale of two Stratford houses associated with Shakespeare
TLS | Times Literary Supplement
This is a tale of two houses: New Place, the grandest house in Stratford, bought by Shakespeare in 1597; and the Birthplace (as it is now known), the three...
قبل 9 أشهر
William of Stratford, a Coda: The History of New Place
The History Of European Theatre
Episode 123: The Origins of New Place The Clopton's of Stratford-Upon-Avon The first house at New Place Hugh Clopton and his support for Stratford William...
قبل 7 أشهر
Printed Books & Maps, Manuscripts, Incunabula, English & Continental Literature
Dominic Winter Auctions
An English treen snuff box made by John Marshall, mid-19th century, small circular box made of mulberry wood, the lid bearing an ornamental 'S' initial.
قبل 7 أشهر
Shakespeare’s Gardens
The natural world features a great deal in the works of Shakespeare, and this gives us an insight into its importance to him, and the types of environment...
قبل 8 أشهر
Garrick's Cup, Carved from Shakspeare's Mulberry Tree.
Grosvenor Prints
[Engraved by Charles John Smith.] [London: Henry Bohn, 1852.] Wood engraving set in letterpress. Sheet 240 x 185mm (9½ x 7¼"). Mounted in album paper.
قبل 6 أشهر
130 British (English) Last Names or Surnames
FirstCry Parenting
We have compiled a list of the top common British last names. Each English last name has a meaning to know its history and origin.
قبل 39 شهرًا
Benedict Arnold's Raid on Richmond : r/rva
167K subscribers in the rva community. News, events, and goings-on in and around the Richmond, VA metro area known as RVA. And the cat at the Lowe's…
قبل أسبوعين (2)