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David J. Stanhope Sr. Obituary 2021
Goss Funeral Services
EAST BERKSHIRE – David J. Stanhope Sr., age 64, passed away peacefully on December 29, 2021 at Northwestern Medical Center in St. Albans...
قبل 36 شهرًا
James Stanhope Obituary (2016) - Muskegon, MI - Muskegon Chronicle
Stanhope, James Hugh 4/16/1937 - 6/26/2016 Whitehall Mr. James Hugh Stanhope, age 79, passed away Sunday, June 26, 2016.
قبل 102 شهر
Donald R. Stanhope Sr. -
County Courier
RICHFORD: Donald R. Stanhope Sr., age 66, passed away on Thursday, November 26, 2020 at his home in Richford. He was born in Rutland on August 9,...
قبل 49 شهرًا
T. M. Bancroft Jr. Weds Barbara Wiedemann (Published 1977)
The New York Times
The marriage of Barbara Symmers Wiedemann to Thomas Moore Bancroft Jr. took place at the River Club yesterday.
قبل 568 شهرًا
Historian backs Canterbury Cathedral 'for keeping statues with slavery links'
Daily Mail
Canterbury Cathedral has won praise for resisting calls to remove statues with historic links to slavery despite calls by Justin Welby to look at them 'very...
قبل 47 شهرًا
Biden dressed fancy to pardon his Thanksgiving turkey. Does anyone care?
Le Monde.fr
On November 21, the American president looked stylish for the Thanksgiving turkey pardoning ceremony. This did not leave Chocolate the...
قبل 25 شهرًا
Cathedral statues with slavery links will 'not be toppled'
Kent Online
Bosses at Canterbury Cathedral are expected to reject a suggestion from the Archbishop that statues with slavery links be removed from the...
قبل 47 شهرًا
The Canterbury Cathedral statues with links to slavery that could be toppled
Kent Online
A history lecturer has identified three statues at Canterbury Cathedral that could be at risk after the archbishop said “some will have to come down”.
قبل 54 شهرًا
Glorious Goodwood – CHESTERFIELD CUP
Four-year-olds & upwards. One mile, one furlong & 192 yards. First run 1840 & originally the Chesterfield Cup.
قبل 86 شهرًا
'Caring wife and mum' among Lincolnshire Echo death notices this week
Lincolnshire Live
Sean sadly died at Pilgrim Hospital on the Tuesday 7th May 2024. He sadly left behind his mum karen sister Kelly wife Martina his 3 children Paige, Ellie, Leah...
قبل 7 أشهر