Harriet Parr (1828–1900) was an English author of the Victorian era, who wrote under the pseudonym Holme Lee. She also wrote stories for children.
هارييت بار ؛ كاتِبة وروائية بريطانية. ويكيبيديا
تاريخ ومكان الميلاد: 31 يناير 1828، يورك، المملكة المتحدة
تاريخ ومكان الوفاة: 18 فبراير 1900، Shanklin، المملكة المتحدة
Miss Parr l, 1828–1900, novelist. Born and educated in York. Contributed to Titan, National Magazine, People's Magazine, and other periodicals.
Author: Harriet Parr (1828–1900). Alternate Name(s): Holme Lee (pseudonym). Biography: Novelist. See entry in DNB or Sutherland.
Harriet Parr (1828–1900) was a British author of the Victorian era, who wrote under the pseudonym Holme Lee. Source: WikipediaMoreHarriet Parr (1828–1900) ...
Pseudonym: Holme Lee. Parr, Harriet, was born at York in 1828, and has published several works under the nom de plume of "Holme Lee," including Maude Talbot ...
22/07/2024 · Biography. Parr never married, and worked initially as a governess before succeeding as a writer with her first book, Maude Talbot .
Harriet Parr - Victorian Short Fiction Project - BYU
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Short Fiction Titles · The Holly-Tree Inn, Part 6: The Poor Pensioner in Household Words: A Weekly Journal (1855) · My Blind Sister in Household Words: A Weekly ...
The Wreck of the "Golden Mary" (Solis Classics) · $7.14$7.14 · Kindle, Audible Audiobook, Hardcover ; Sylvan Holt's Daughter, by Holme Lee · $30.95$30.95 · Kindle, ...
Looking for books by Harriet Parr? See all books authored by Harriet Parr, including Legends from Fairyland, and Mr. Wynyard's Ward, by Holme Lee, ...