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inauthor: John Aikin من
New Publications. MEMOIR of John Aikin, M D by l.ilcy y Ail;in, author of Memoirs of the Cmirt rt nf Queen Elizabeth, with a selection of his s Mifv^ellnneotis IMcet'H, biographicftl,moraln.ncl c cri icnl ; price $2 75 Unite Christian ...
inauthor: John Aikin من
... in- Author- of Day's in Local "ri Trade Circles. lange quiet -ai bi ator ... Aiken. Lonucn— Storage and Lighterage Company Stmp Rubinstein (Br). Gibson ... John Birely Passed up — Stmr (supposed) Roger fFr). from Bordeaux for ...
inauthor: John Aikin من
... JOHN ANKETIiL, A. B. Price, neatly bound, 75 -Cents. " As a ccrdial friend^ I -would advife the Female Sex to penile ... FATHER to his SOV, on various topics relative to liteiat'-rcaiuttiietoiidutt of lite, by Dr. AIKIN, S-/ Ccntj. BURTON'S ...
inauthor: John Aikin من
... Aiken, Landseer, Dicket, &c= London thick 8vo. JiJ-JO. Johnson's Sportsman's ... John Webster, edited by Rev. A. D>ce,4to Svo. For sale bv ". SAML. HART Sen ... in.- author Washington Irving, and t:u! ili.-:»rv of Wyimuns.ii ...
inauthor: John Aikin من
... John H. Vuultlrk. It kept a h'ond load on the houiulH all ihrotiBli i IIP ... Aiken visited her aunt, Mrs II. N. (Jallicj, of Oakland, Plttsbiirg, last ... in author, poet, impersonator, mimic, vlt, humorist and soloist on nnny ...
inauthor: John Aikin من
... John V. Marchand of Spokune Kails. W. T Any person whodeairesto protest ... AiKen, all of flpokune KallH. Any ptruo . whudtnirett to protest Hgamsi the ... in- Author- ir.ed toimpioj t in. «i|c top>i iixre t.l«ii« for the r l ...