... in author of Merrill's and the first HI-MI.'! in SPECIAL TO TELEGRAPH New lei TIIK LI: AMI. From R J. Young. Washington. D. C.. Nov. 23. Mrs. John H. Bartlett was tho giiost of honor at a lunchoon given lit tho National club of University ...
... Bartlett. Blackvvcll, Treble snJ.son.Kyle<!. Per steamboat Houma— t! Vanprau ... John .lay — Ml! s Cook, Captain J tjoodrich. lady and two children -, C ... In- author of tiiu Pathfindur. Spy . Jtc. ir.fMr. C-oo'i«r 2 vols. AVir ...
... John J. Herley, the well known boiler maker at Fishkill Landing, has been ... Bartlett. Fenton, of Spring Valley, who figures in tho ]{ov Dr.Brlstor ... Doctor," and Mr. II. B. ReUcher his assistant. The pint was simple, but ...
... John Canavan. Apply at; night His condition continues favourable, and be ... Father Point outnardat five? m. Home, a cooper belonging to London, but ... Bartlett & Co., prajinjr blark embroidered or with blue bright silk colours ...
... Bartlett, D-AIaska. er of the Armed Services ComBut it was the fight over efmittee, told the Senate he was forts by Sens. Albert Gore, D- isturbed over reports U.S. Tenn., and John J. Williams, •oops might cross into North R-DeL, to ...
... John for The the Oceanic season hotel Jnne at 15th, Star and island the will ... father. -will months begin of an Cleveland, active canvass and what ... Bartlett containing and NOTICE.— The subscriber h-sre-bv gives notice said ...
... John -E. Abbott,- - North and Mrs. Wiggses in its party. It o come there is ... Bartlett of down the Republican vote in Maine een found the genius of New ... in author- he royal infant well in hand to be Davis' such a manner as ...
... in AUTHOR in for i .ate mllW howls pink hal. LAUREN GILFILLAN NO COMMUNIST ... Bartlett left Saturday evening on a holiday trip to Alaska, Dr. and Mrs ... John Chooke e will be interested to know that e has arrived safely In ...
... John Radel made enough money out of their roads to warrant the required ... Bartlett and Hobart, the L e- i..^h Valle: Hailrnad and East Jersey e y ... in author izmg the const ruction of. railroads in the Thirteenth and ...