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Lies and Litigation, Part Two: the cost of the Autographs
The Sea of Books
Part One of this post can be found here. Last year, I acquired a partial copy of Geraldine of Desmond from John's Bookshop in Athlone.
قبل 47 شهرًا
Lies and Litigation, Part One; or, When is a First Edition Not a First Edition?
The Sea of Books
In 1829, the prominent London bookseller and legendary purveyor of silver-fork novels, Henry Colburn, had published her second novel, Geraldine of Desmond.
قبل 47 شهرًا
Mary Shelley |
Essex Record Office Blog
This special guest post comes from Nora Crook, Professor Emerita, Anglia Ruskin University; Co-general Editor, The Complete Poetry of Percy...
قبل 131 شهرًا
Bibliotheca londinensis: a classified index to the literature of Great Britain during thirty years
Internet Archive
Antique. (Smith G.) Domestic Buildings. (Lugar R.) Gates for Lodges. (Designs.) Metal Works. (Skate H.) Ornaments, Architectural. (Jenkins <i:Hosking.).
قبل شهرين (2)
Organists & Teachers
Organists of Stillorgan Parish Church. 1875 Mr Powell, 1875 Mr Melvyn Browne, 1883 1890 Mr Jesson, 1890 Mr Louis Buchanan, 1904 George L Pollock.
قبل 52 شهرًا
Found: Two Unknown Letters by Thomas Moore, 1845
The Sea of Books
On Tuesday March 25th, 1845, the poet Thomas Moore sat down in his study at Sloperton, in Wiltshire, to write a short – and somewhat...
قبل 58 شهرًا
كتب التطبير تاريخه وقصصه
مكتبة نور
هذا الكتاب يعتبر الأول من نوعه والذي تابع تاريخ بداية ظاهرة التطبير وانتشارها بين الشعوب في مختلف الأديان بالإضافة الى الحوادث التي رافقت هذه الظاهرة الى...
قبل 44 شهرًا
A post for the Wordsworth Trust's fantastic new Wordsworth and Romanticism blog on the figure of the Last Man on Earth in Romantic literature.
قبل 120 شهرًا
The Earls of Desmond – A Headcount
Castleisland District Heritage
The Earl of Desmond chart below counts 15 earls in the family tree, based on the research of the late Brian Fitzgerald.
قبل 74 شهرًا
January | 2014 |
Essex Record Office Blog
1694 is a crucial date in the history of the parish of Brentwood. Brentwood chapel, dedicated to St Thomas Becket, was built in 1221 but was subsidiary to the...
قبل 130 شهرًا