Mercantile Library of Philadelphia. Tales of Married Life . T. S. Arthur , .... 1833 | Tom Burke of Our's . C. Lever , Tales from Molière's Plays , 1813 Trippings in Author - Land . E. Judson , 559 Ups and Downs . W. L. Stone , 564 Ups.
Mercantile Library of Philadelphia. Tales of Married Life . T. S. Arthur , .... 1833 Tales from Molière's Plays , ..1660 Tales of My Landlord . W. Scott , .447 , 485 Tales of the Peerage . Lady Dacre , .... 2107 Tales of a Residence in ...
... T. S. Arthur . ' ' January 1 , 1883 . ' ' Previous to the year 1870 my health had been very poor . I was forced to abandon all earnest literary work , and I regarded my career in author- ship at an end . " About this time my attention ...
... in his arms proudly . How handsome he looked ! Noble as a statue on that white marble - like pedestal of ice . A cry of joy went up from those on shore . son . 46 " They're safe ! " shouted Father ... T. S. ARTHUR AT SEVENTY - FIVE , FOR many ...
... T. S. Arthur . Two Lives ; or , to Seem and to Be . McIntosh . Two Loves ; or , Eros and Anteros . Two Old Men's Tales . Mrs. Marsh . Two Rectors . Two Sisters ; or , Principle and Practice . Two Wives ; or , Lost and Won . T. S. Arthur ...
... in Author Land . Em . Chubbuck . Trippings of Tom Pepper . C. F. Briggs . Tristam Shandy . L. Sterne . Triumphs ... T. S. Arthur . Wife , the ; and Woman's Reward . Mrs. Norton . Wigwam and the Cabin . W. G. Simms . Wild Love . F ...
... in embellishments it is superior to most of its rivals . The Snow - Flake : a gift for Innocence and Beauty . Edited by T. S. Arthur . For 1846. Philada : E. Ferret & Co. - This is an annual in the general style of " The Gift . " The ...
... T. S. Arthur . Miss Edgeworth . ---- Scott . T. S. Arthur . M. F. Tupper . Jane Porter . R. H. Dana , Jr. Scott . A. S. Rowe . Park Godwin . Miss Macauley . Robt . Pollock . H. Trusta . L. M. Sargent . Hawthorne . Cooper . Maria ...
... in a Bar - Room . T. S. Arthur . Ten Thousand a Year . Sam . Warren . Teverino . Geo . Sand . Thaddeus of Warsaw . Jane Porter . Thankfulness . C. B. Tayler . Theatrical Apprenticeship of Sol . Smith , Theobald . ( Fr. Ger . ) H ...