In Ten Volumes ; with the Corrections and Illustrations of Dr. Johnson, G. Steevens, and Others William Shakespeare ... د Pro . By what ? by any other house , or person ? Of any thing the image tell me , that Hath kept with thy ...
William Shakespeare. E I 1 A A T R T Fie upon't ! foh ! About , my brains ! Humph ! I have And , for your part ... father murder'd , Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell , Must , like a whore , unpack my heart with words , And ...
William Shakespeare. A villain kills my father ; and , for that , I , his sole son , do this same villain send To Heaven . Why , this is hire and salary , not revenge . He took my father grossly - full of bread ; With all his crimes 11 ...
William Shakespeare. د 1 Clar . In God's name , what art thou ? 1 Mur . A man , as you are . Clar . But not , as I am , royal . 1 Mur . Nor you , as we are , loyal . Clar . Thy voice is thunder , but thy looks are humble . 1 Mur . My ...
William Shakespeare, Samuel Johnson, George Steevens Isaac Reed. Been thus encounter'd . A figure like your father , Arm'd at all points ' , exactly , cap - a - pé , Appears before them , and , with folemn march , Goes flow and ftately by ...
William Shakespeare. د + The SECOND PART of King HENRY VI . ACTI . SCENE Ι . Flourish of trumpets : then hauiboys . Enter King Henry , Duke Humphry , Salisbury , Warwick , and Beaufort on the one . fide . The Queen , Suffolk , York ...
... In himself he is : But , in this kind , wanting your father's voice , The other must be held the worthier . : Her . I would my father look'd but with my eyes . The . Rather your eyes must with his judgment look Her . I do entreat your ...
from the text of Johnson, Steevens & Reed William Shakespeare. # Mes . Octavius , then take him to follow thee , That did the latest service to my master . Ant . This was the noblest Roman of ... Doctor . A Scotch Doctor . A Soldier . A ...
William Shakespeare. A broken voice , and his whole function suiting With forms to his conceit ? And all for ... in author's plays . Thus , Quince to Flute in A Midsummer- Night's Dream : " You speak all your part at once , cues ...