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inauthor: William Shakespeare من
هي من أهم مسرحيات الكاتب الإنجليزي وليم شكسبير التراجيدية. وتتكون من خمس فصول. وقد استمد شكسبير موضوعها وحوادثها من حياة يوليوس ...
inauthor: William Shakespeare من
... William Shakespeare. [ Lays down his mantle .. And pluck my magic garment from me . - So ; Lie there , my art . - Wipe ... د Pro . By what ? by any other house , or person ? Of any thing the image tell me , that Hath kept with thy ...
inauthor: William Shakespeare من
Accurately Printed from the Text of Mr. Steeven's Last Edition, with a Selection of the Most Important Notes William Shakespeare. د Worship , as of any man in the city : and though I be but a poor man , I am glad to hear it . Verg . And ...
inauthor: William Shakespeare من
William Shakespeare. A villain kills my father ; and , for that , I , his sole son , do this same villain send To Heaven . Why , this is hire and salary , not revenge . He took my father grossly - full of bread ; With all his crimes 11 ...
inauthor: William Shakespeare من
William Shakespeare Henry Norman Hudson, Sir Israel Gollancz, Charles Harold ... father with his power ? K. Rich . No matter where ; of comfort no man speak ... of those 82 Act III . Sc . ii . THE TRAGEDY OF.
inauthor: William Shakespeare من
William Shakespeare ! --Thou , thou , Lysander , thou hast given her rhym And interchang'd love - tokens with my ... father should be as a god ; One that compos'd your beauties ; yea , and one To whom you are but as a form in wax ...
inauthor: William Shakespeare من
William Shakespeare. د 1 Clar . In God's name , what art thou ? 1 Mur . A man , as you are . Clar . But not , as I am , royal . 1 Mur . Nor you , as we are , loyal . Clar . Thy voice is thunder , but thy looks are humble . 1 Mur . My ...
inauthor: William Shakespeare من
William Shakespeare, Samuel Johnson, George Steevens Isaac Reed. Been thus encounter'd . A figure like your father , Arm'd at all points ' , exactly , cap - a - pé , Appears before them , and , with folemn march , Goes flow and ftately by ...
inauthor: William Shakespeare من
William Shakespeare William Aldis Wright. د PR2753 W8 1893 V. 31 PREFACE . MACBETH was printed for the first time in the first Folio . Except that it is divided into scenes as well as acts , it is one of the worst printed of all the ...
inauthor: William Shakespeare من
William Shakespeare Gulian Crommelin Verplanck. KIMCHENYY VIII Buck . Good morrow , and well met . How have I was my chamber's prisoner . you done , The peace between the French and us not values The. د Ta SCENE I.- London . An Ante - ...