كان ويليام ستيل ديكسون وزيرًا للمشيخية الأيرلندية وعضوًا في جمعية الأيرلنديين المتحدين ، وهو ملتزم بقضية التحرر الكاثوليكي والإصلاح الديمقراطي والاستقلال الوطني. ألقي القبض عليه عشية قيام الخطوط الجوية الأيرلندية المتحدة في مقاطعة داون في يونيو... ويكيبيديا (إنجليزية)
تاريخ ومكان الميلاد: 25 ديسمبر 1744، أنتري، المملكة المتحدة
تاريخ ومكان الوفاة: 27 ديسمبر 1824، بلفاست، المملكة المتحدة
A Narrative Of The Confinement And Exile Of William Steel Dickson, D. D., Formerly Minister Of The Presbyterian Congregations Of Ballyhalbert And Portaferry, In The County Of Down, And Now Of Keady, In The County Of Armagh
Stromata Theologica, Historica: Prophetica: Or, Theological, Historical, and Prophetical Pieces of Patchwork: For the Amusement of the Curious, Etc. [by W. S. Dickson? Patch I.
Sermons on the Following Subjects: I. The Advantages of National Repentance. ... IV. The Hope of Meeting, Knowing, and Rejoicing with Virtuous Friends, in a Future World. By William Steel Dickson
A Narrative of the Confinement and Exile of William Steel Dickson [The Author]. to Which Is Annexed, an Account of an Assault Committed On the Author [And 5 Appendices. With] Three Sermons On the Subject of Scripture Politics
A Narrative of the Confinement and Exile of William Steel Dickson, D. D.: Formerly Minister of the Presbyterian Congregations of Ballyhalbert and Portaferry, in the County of Down, and Now of Keady, in the County of Armagh. To which is Annexed, an Account of an Assault Committed on the Author, September 9th, 1811, on His Return from the Catholic Meeting in the City of Armagh; with a Sketch of Proceedings Consequent Thereon