inauthor: British poets من
With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical Robert Anderson. د For a Jew many people the master mistook , Whose Levites were scullions , his high - priest a cook ; And though he design'd our religion to alter , When they saw the burnt ...
inauthor: British poets من
... English poetry was the appearance of some one not only endowed with poetic genius and an intellect cultivated with the best scholarship of the age , but also adding ... د QUALITY OF CHAUCER'S POETRY . 93 or country , 92 LECTURE THIRD .
inauthor: British poets من
... father . : Miss Hamilton , it is faid , had a poetical turn , and had expressed her partiality towards him in the following fong , addressed to Miss Duck , daughter of the famous Stephen Duck , in which the quibbles on his name with ...
inauthor: British poets من
... poetic rage : The verfe and sculpture bore an equal part , And art reflected images to art . 50 Oh , when ... د " And prais'd , unenvy'd , by the muse he lov'd . "いいな EPISTLE TO DR . ARBUTHNOT : ٢٠٠٤٠ BEING THE PROLOGUE 116 ...
inauthor: British poets من
... what dread My fbuddering foul Beholds them roll , And hears their roarings o'er my head With terror mark Yon flying bark ! Now , sentre - deep defcend the brave 1 د : - A PARAPHRASE ON PART OF THE OCEAN ; AN ODE . 43.
inauthor: British poets من
... poet's part in the transaction met with the royal approbation ; for the old king dying , one of the first acts of the prince , on his accession , was to confirm his father's grants to him , with an additional one , as we have observed ...
inauthor: British poets من
With Biographical and Critical Notices, and an Essay on English Poetry Thomas Campbell. The roaring of the cannon ... د , The Mirror for Magistrates " was intended to cele- brate the chief unfortunate personages in English history ...
inauthor: British poets من
... د Retires in desart scenes to dwell , And bids the joyless world farewel . Alone he treads the autumnal shade , Alone beneath the mountain laid He fees the nightly damps ascend , And gathering storms aloft impend ; He hears the ...
inauthor: British poets من
... د UNIVERSAL PASSION ; IN SEVEN CHARACTERISTICAL SATIRES . -Fulgente trahit constrictos gloria curru Non minus ignotos generosis . Hor . SATIRE I. TO HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF DORSET . -Tanto major Famæ sitis est , quam Virtutis . Juv . Sat ...
inauthor: British poets من
Samuel Johnson. He is supposed to have fallen , by his father's death , into the hands of his uncle , a vintner * near Charing- cross , who fent him for some time to Dr. Busby , at Westminster ; but , not intending to give him any ...