With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical Robert Anderson. د For a Jew many people the master mistook , Whose Levites were scullions , his high - priest a cook ; And though he design'd our religion to alter , When they saw the burnt ...
... English poetry was the appearance of some one not only endowed with poetic genius and an intellect cultivated with the best scholarship of the age , but also adding ... د QUALITY OF CHAUCER'S POETRY . 93 or country , 92 LECTURE THIRD .
... father . : Miss Hamilton , it is faid , had a poetical turn , and had expressed her partiality towards him in the following fong , addressed to Miss Duck , daughter of the famous Stephen Duck , in which the quibbles on his name with ...
... poetic rage : The verfe and sculpture bore an equal part , And art reflected images to art . 50 Oh , when ... د " And prais'd , unenvy'd , by the muse he lov'd . "いいな EPISTLE TO DR . ARBUTHNOT : ٢٠٠٤٠ BEING THE PROLOGUE 116 ...
... what dread My fbuddering foul Beholds them roll , And hears their roarings o'er my head With terror mark Yon flying bark ! Now , sentre - deep defcend the brave 1 د : - A PARAPHRASE ON PART OF THE OCEAN ; AN ODE . 43.
... poet's part in the transaction met with the royal approbation ; for the old king dying , one of the first acts of the prince , on his accession , was to confirm his father's grants to him , with an additional one , as we have observed ...
With Biographical and Critical Notices, and an Essay on English Poetry Thomas Campbell. The roaring of the cannon ... د , The Mirror for Magistrates " was intended to cele- brate the chief unfortunate personages in English history ...
... د Retires in desart scenes to dwell , And bids the joyless world farewel . Alone he treads the autumnal shade , Alone beneath the mountain laid He fees the nightly damps ascend , And gathering storms aloft impend ; He hears the ...
... د UNIVERSAL PASSION ; IN SEVEN CHARACTERISTICAL SATIRES . -Fulgente trahit constrictos gloria curru Non minus ignotos generosis . Hor . SATIRE I. TO HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF DORSET . -Tanto major Famæ sitis est , quam Virtutis . Juv . Sat ...
Samuel Johnson. He is supposed to have fallen , by his father's death , into the hands of his uncle , a vintner * near Charing- cross , who fent him for some time to Dr. Busby , at Westminster ; but , not intending to give him any ...