Helen Crump is a fictional dramatic character on the American television program The Andy Griffith Show (1960–1968).
Helen Taylor (née Crump) is played by actress Aneta Corsaut in 66 episodes of The Andy Griffith Show. Helen hails from Kansas and attended college in Kansas ...
أسئلة أخرى
What was the cause of death for Aneta Corsaut?
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What happened to Helen Crump in real life?
How old was Aneta Corsaut when she played in The Blob?
Aneta Louise Corsaut (November 3, 1933 – November 6, 1995) was an American actress and writer. She is best known for playing Helen Crump on The Andy ...
03/11/2024 · Happy Birthday to Opie's schoolteacher Miss Helen Crump! Aneta Corsaut was born this date, November 3, 1933. Though most famous for her role on ...
15/12/2020 · The character's comical name suggests that the writer of the episode, John Whedon, thought of her as little more than a schoolmarm.
Ms. Corsaut battled cancer in her later years, and sadly died of the disease on November 6, 1995 at the age of 62. She will be remembered as Helen Crump.
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12/12/2023 · theandygriffithshow #helencrump #anetacorsaut #peggy #joannemoore #elliewalker #elinordonahue #teacher #oldladycrump #donknotts #mayberry ...
Ms. Corsaut battled cancer in her later years, and sadly died of the disease on November 6, 1995 at the age of 62. She will be remembered as Helen Crump. - ...
12/07/2014 · Aneta Corsaut: Helen Crump, Andy Griffith's sweetheart, good character actress,
25/02/2024 · If you're a fan of "The Andy Griffith Show", I bet you think you know all about Helen Crump and the actress who played her, Aneta Corsaut.
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