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inauthor: Sir John Dalrymple من
در د . Book I. 1683 . ders of mankind , the inferior tribe of confpirators resolved to put the PART 1 . mayor and ... Lord Mayor's feast , in the view of that city which they had injured ; others to do it in the streets during ...
inauthor: Sir John Dalrymple من
... Lord Clarendon's fevere re- marks confidered and exposed . Unexampled cruelties exercised on the Irish . The Scotch the real fource of all the calamities of thefe unhappy ... Sir John Dalrymple 365 i ERRATA . د . P. 137 , 1. 8 CONTENTS .
inauthor: Sir John Dalrymple من
Sir John DALRYMPLE. د werp , and designs now to have them march over land to Oftend to embark there , and is sending away orders to that purpose . Duke of York to the Prince of Orange . Account of Mon- tagu's attack upon Lord Danby ...