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inauthor: Vicesimus Knox من
... د RISTOTLE was the first of those writers who endeavoured to render taste subject to philosophy . His poetics are almost the only parts of his works which continue to be esteemed with a degree of implicit veneration . Mutilated and ...
inauthor: Vicesimus Knox من
Vicesimus Knox. د H NUMBER LX . On Owen , the Latin Epigrammatist . OWEVER absurd the taste of the age , writers of true genius will sometimes find means to render them- selves conformable to it , and at the same time to claim the ...
inauthor: Vicesimus Knox من
Vicesimus Knox. - . ب د F - . 1 of P 1 1 3 t 2. be good Lord ; he can inftruct , and I am fure will , for so have I written to him , whosoever he be that your Lordship will put in that office . Your being in actual wars , I need not to ...
inauthor: Vicesimus Knox من
... Vicesimus Knox. 2 Σ 2 ユ 4 1 : د E コ L Ea te 2. and Mr. Burridge : and do me the justice to believe that I am , with a perfect affec- tion , dear Sir , Your most humble and most faithful fervant , John Locke . §146 . Mr. LOCKE to Mr ...
inauthor: Vicesimus Knox من
Vicesimus Knox. 1 د e e ed hand that raised the cedar , formed the hyssop on the wall . Even the orchard , cultivated solely for advantage , exhibits beauties unequalled in the shrubbery ; nor can the green - house produce an appear ...
inauthor: Vicesimus Knox من
د of all patience with the answer the Mar- quis made the Abbé - ' twas truly coarse , and I wonder he bore it with any chrif- tian patience - But to the subject of your letter I do not wish to know who was the busy fool , who made your ...
inauthor: Vicesimus Knox من
Vicesimus KNOX. of so little use to mankind , that the mode of its opera- tion is unknown . They who are curious and ... د 1 feelings of unimpassioned judgment . But in youth , when MORAL AND LITERARY . 327.