Sir William Blackstone (10 July 1723 – 14 February 1780) was an English jurist, justice and Tory politician most noted for his Commentaries on the Laws of ...
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Blackstone was the fourth and posthumous son of Charles Blackstone, a silk merchant of moderate means. His mother died when Blackstone was 12. He was educated ...
Born to an middle-class English family in 1723, the political philosopher William Blackstone began his academic pursuits as a poet before his fascination...
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English jurist and legal scholar Sir William Blackstone. He is best known for his profoundly influential Commentaries on the Laws of England (1769).
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Sir William Blackstone and the Common Law will be an introduction for many to this legal scholar, law professor, attorney, member of Parliament, and judge.
He was elected treasurer and bursar of All Souls College in 1746.' He continued his studies at. Oxford and in 1750 was awarded the Doctor of Law degree.' After ...
William Eugene Blackstone (October 6, 1841 – November 7, 1935) was an American evangelist and Christian Zionist. He was the author of the Blackstone ...
William Blackstone was a lawyer, judge, and jurisprudence theorist who had many foundational and influential ideas on the common law system.
Online Books by William Blackstone (Blackstone, William, 1723-1780) A Wikipedia article about this author is available.
04‏/11‏/2013 · William E. Blackstone (1841-1935) was a successful Chicago businessman who at midlife followed Jesus' advice to the rich young ruler.