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inauthor: William Shakespeare من
... William Shakespeare Isaac Reed. K. HEN . Woe above woe ! grief more than com- mon grief ! ' O , that my death ... father gave thee life too late , And hath bereft thee of thy life too soon . WARBURTΟΝ . I rather think the meaning ...
inauthor: William Shakespeare من
هي من أهم مسرحيات الكاتب الإنجليزي وليم شكسبير التراجيدية. وتتكون من خمس فصول. وقد استمد شكسبير موضوعها وحوادثها من حياة يوليوس ...
inauthor: William Shakespeare من
With Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators William Shakespeare Samuel Johnson, George Steevens, Isaac Reed. Thou know'st , ' tis common ; all , that ... father loft , lost his ; and the survivor PRINCE OF DENMARK . 187.
inauthor: William Shakespeare من
William Shakespeare. A villain kills my father ; and , for that , I , his sole son , do this same villain send To Heaven . Why , this is hire and salary , not revenge . He took my father grossly - full of bread ; With all his crimes 11 ...
inauthor: William Shakespeare من
William Shakespeare Horace Howard Furness. Por . In tearmes of choise I am not folie led 17 By nice direction of a maidens eies : Besides , the lottrie of my destenie Bars me the right of voluntarie choosing : 20 But if my Father had not ...
inauthor: William Shakespeare من
... of England looked forward with fear and anxiety , has become the king -- and what a change ! The breath no sooner left his father's body , But that his wildness , mortifi'd in him , Seem'd to die too . His prodigal habits drop from him ...
inauthor: William Shakespeare من
... in “<author>William Shakespeare</author>”, “author” is the container element. XML child content. Material included in an XML container element. “William Shakespeare” in the XML container element example. Volume 3 Glossary 789.
inauthor: William Shakespeare من
... IN Author firstname : William lastname : Shakespeare WROTE_PLAY year : 1610 WROTE_PLAY year : 1599 Play Play title : The Tempest title : Julius Caesar PRODUCTION_OF Production name : The Tempest PRODUCED PRODUCED Company name : RSC ...
inauthor: William Shakespeare من
William Shakespeare, Edmond Malone. TIT . But how , if that fly had a father and mother ?? How would he hang his slender gilded wings , And buz lamenting doings in the air3 ? Poor harmless fly ! That with his pretty buzzing melody , Came ...