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مشاهدة نتائج حول

lots of, many, a great number of much, a lot of, lots of, a great deal of, plenty of a lot, much, a great deal More examples.
15‏/09‏/2024 · "viel" functions as an adverb, while "viele" serves as an adjective. Simply put, when expressing "much" or "a lot," opt for the adverb "viel."
22‏/06‏/2024 · The German word “viele” can be translated into English as “many”. Just like in English, this adjective is only used when referring to plural nouns that are ...
Translate "viel" from German to English, much, a lot, a lot of, wie viel, so viel, zu viel, . See word usage in contexts, conjugation and declension.
Translation for 'viel-' using the free German-English dictionary by LANGENSCHEIDT -– with examples, synonyms and pronunciation.
15‏/09‏/2024 · On the other hand, "viel" translates as "a lot" or "much" when functioning as an adverb, and as "many" when employed as an adjective. Delve into ...
Wiktionary · to a great extent. much; → viel; · very much. a lot; → viel;.
فيديو عن viel
11‏/12‏/2022 · Viel VS viele? When to use which explained in under a minute. viel = much / a lot of ...
المدة: 0:58
تاريخ النشر: 11‏/12‏/2022