Mainly from the 'Expugnatio Hibernica' of Giraldus Cambrensis Giraldus (Cambrensis) Frederick James Furnivall. INDEX . INDEX . Fitz - gerald , William , father of Ray- mond , dies , 82 . Fitz - gerald , William , eldest son of Maurice ...
Frederick James Furnivall. Redlesford , Walter de , kills John the Wood , 46 ; castle built to him , 128 / 25 . Rehoboam : imitates him , 142 . Richard , Earl of Poitou , son of Henry Prince John foolishly II , rebels against his father ...
... A.D.[and] MS.Rawlinson, B.490, Bodleian Library, about 1440 A.D.. I.. The text Gerald (von Wales) Frederick James Furnivall. INDEX . INDEX . Fitz - gerald , William , father of Ray- mond , dies , 82 . Fitz - gerald , William , eldest son ...
... Frederick James Furnivall. Redlesford , Walter de , kills John the Wood , 46 ; castle built to him , 128 / 25 . Rehoboam : imitates him , 142 . Richard , Earl of Poitou , son of Henry Prince John foolishly II , rebels against his father ...
... A.D. 1874-1878 . - The History of the Holy Grail . 1876. Spalding , W. A ... English Hymn to the Virgin . Halliwell - Phillips and R. Browning . Corres ... Conquest of Ireland . 1166-1185 A.D. 1897. - Child - Marriages , Divorces ...
Extra series Thomas Hoccleve Frederick James Furnivall. BEL Early English ... Conquest of Ireland , A. D. 1166-1185 . 2 Texts , about 1425 , 1440. Part I ... A.D. , ed . Dr. F. Holthausen , Part II . [ At Press . An Anglo - Saxon ...